vineri, 20 martie 2009

La vie en rose.... superbe!

joi, 19 martie 2009

Aici trecutul meu urma sa se consume in viitor.
In viata fiecaruia are loc un moment de maxima intensitate. Atunci trebuie sa stii sa te accepti. Este momentul in care esti ceea ce esti si totodata ceea ce vei fi.

vineri, 13 martie 2009

There's no combination of words
I could put on the back of a postcard
No song that I could sing
But I can try for your heart,
our dreams, and they are made out of real things
like a shoebox of photographs
with sepia-toned loving
Love is the answer
at least for most of the questions in my heart, like
Why are we here? And where do we go?
And how come it's so hard?
It's not always easy and
sometimes life can be deceiving
I'll tell you one thing, it's always better when we're together!!!

sâmbătă, 7 martie 2009

E un nou inceput... Vreau sa schimb ceva in mine....Ce-am fost candva azi nu mai sunt....